Tuesday, January 30, 2018

200 Real Estate Marketing Ideas- It’s Time To Dominate

real estate marketing ideas

Real Estate Marketing Ideas are so hard to come up with when things aren’t going your way.  Maybe you’ve had a bad month. And are looking for ways to shake things up. This list will help get your juices flowing.

Don’t try to do everything on this list. Simply focus on doing what you do very well.

We’ve broken these down into “Traditional” and “Online” real estate marketing ideas. There are some sub-sections in each category as well.


You might also want to check out our real estate marketing toolbox.

Your marketing should never be ‘comfortable.’ Always look for ideas to grow what you are doing. Hopefully there will be a few things on this list of 200 real estate marketing ideas to spur you onward in your journey to be a better Realtor.


Here’s a quick video that explains how agents need to use all these real estate marketing ideas to form a better plan of attack:


Too often I see an agent pick up a marketing idea…take it for a test drive. And then stop.

That’s not how marketing works! Marketing works over time…with dedication to making the idea more effective.


These 200 marketing ideas should give you creative ways to grow your business. And unique insights for how to perform better in the long run.



Traditional Real Estate Marketing Ideas

real estate marketing ideas

Give Aways:

  1. Pop-by
    1. A great pop-by gift is a chocolate bar or a gift card. These types of random gifts gives you the ability to easily stop-by and visit someone without it being awkward.  They are a great way to nurture a new relationship.
  2. Free garage sale signs
    1. Offer free garage sale signs to neighbors in the spring.  You can even collect them back and reuse them year after year.  This will help out everyone in your neighborhood and easily get your name seen by many people.
  3. Volunteer
    1. This is a great way to meet new people. Be sure to start many conversations and talk about what you do.  The best way to utilize this strategy is to attend regularly.  Pick 1 or 2 organizations and commit to attending.
  4. Keychain tags
    1. This freebie is a fun way to keep your brand in front of many people for a low cost. Pass them out at a event you’re volunteering for or at conferences you attend.
  5. Hold Contests
    1. Contests are a great way to get information from a large swath of people. For added exposure, partner with another business in order to gain access to their customers.
  6. Enter Contests
    1. Entering contests gives you the chance to meet and talk with other business owners.  It will also give you good ideas for how to run and market your own contests.
  7. Give away freebies at open houses
    1. Be sure to thank people for visiting your open house by giving them something to remember that property.  Most people will visit multiple open houses. So make sure your freebie has your address on it.
  8. Give free bonuses for an error you’ve made
    1. Did you miss an appointment? Gift cards are a great way to apologize and show you care.
  9. Thank you gifts
    1. Thank you gifts are a good way to follow up unobtrusively with clients. This will out perform a lot of other real estate marketing ideas and help you stand out from the crowd.
  10. Luxury box at events
    1. You can invite friends and potential clients. The event provides a long time to bring up various business deals.
  11. Calendar
    1. Want to be in front of your clients all year round? Make a calendar that contains your business contact information. It’s a good idea to use pictures from you local community.
  12. Pens, Pencils, and Writing Give-Aways
    1. These simple give-aways are a must. They are very versatile and can be used in many situations.
  13. Home Makeovers Give
    1. Enter the people that give you referrals into a Room Makeover Lottery Pot.  You can set the max budget for the room makeover, and you’ll instantly have a referral program that’s different than your competitions.  You can also run a different type of contest where you award the person who has the best home makeover before and after photos with a gift card.


One of the best real estate marketing ideas is to have a solid, lead generating real estate website. If you haven’t seen them yet, check out LeadSites. These Realtor websites help you get more leads from EVERY marketing activity. Send out postcards? Awesome! These sites will help capture more leads from the visitors to your website.

Educational Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

real estate marketing ideas

Educational real estate marketing ideas are a great way to build your reputation in the community. It is also a good way to give back.

  1. Host Seminars
    1. Local seminars let you show off all the knowledge you’ve built up. They also are a good way to meet new people.
  2. Speak At High Schools
    1. Career days provide a good way to give back to your community.
  3. Reach out to local college programs
    1. College programs often hold career days and the local real estate courses might be interested in working together with you.
  4. Radio Show
    1. Radio shows constantly need content. If you have a good voice, you might be able to help them with a show segment.
  5. Teach
    1. Volunteer to teach anywhere. This will lead to meeting families and new contacts. You can really grow awareness of your real estate brand through consistent teaching.

Contact Grooming Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

real estate marketing ideas

Contact communication is the key to any successful real estate business. These ideas facilitate the process of following up with all your contacts.  Use these ideas to expand what you currently do marketing wise.  Make sure to integrate them into a regular program with your business.  The regularity with which we complete a marketing idea is what makes it successful.

  1. Reach Out To Contacts Daily.
  2. Business Cards.
  3. Wrap Your Car.
  4. Commission Only Sales People.
  5. Referral Program.
  6. Get Your Number In Clients Phone.
  7. Open House.
  8. Door Flyers.
  9. Door knocking.
  10. Cold calling.
  11. Make telephone calls.
  12. Holiday Postcards.
  13. Send out birthday cards.
  14. Take a client out to lunch.
  15. Throw a party for a client.
  16. Ask for referrals.
  17. Give referrals.
  18. Follow up with referrals.
  19. Follow up with clients after the sale.
  20. Keep in touch with clients that move away.
  21. Text messaging.

Advertising Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

Advertising real estate marketing ideas are less glamorous than digital ads. However, they still get your brand seen by a large number for a lower cost.

  1. Local Newspaper Event Listings.
  2. Chamber of Commerce Event Listings.
  3. Write articles for community newsletters.
  4. Write articles for business newsletters.
  5. Direct Mail-Postcards.
  6. Radio Advertising.
  7. TV Advertising.
  8. Newspaper Inserts.
  9. Free ads in shoppers.
  10. Outside signs.

Networking Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

Networking is essential to any marketing plan. Theses real estate marketing ideas focus on getting you in front of a lot of people. Be sure to have a follow up plan for after you meet them!

  1. Join Networking Groups.
  2. Meetup.com.
  3. Association Directory.
  4. Alumni Associations.
  5. Arts Associations.
  6. Industry Associations.
  7. Nonprofit Boards.
  8. Focus Groups.


real estate marketing ideas

  1. Marketing plan
    1.  It is a good idea to quantify all marketing activities and make sure they are pulling their weight.
  2. Host a fundraising event for a local charity.
  3. Host an art show for a local school.
  4. Photography contest.
  5. Surveys For A Prize.
  6. Polls About Your Service.
  7. Add Value In Unique Ways.
  8. Collect and share testimonials.
  9. Speak at events.
  10. Write a book.
  11. Volunteer your location for meetings or special events.
  12. Fundraising.
  13. Coupons.
  14. Posters.
  15. Window/Sidewalk Signs.
  16. Displays.
  17. Balloons.
  18. Graphics on your car.
  19. Develop partnerships with other business owners.
  20. Cross promotion.
  21. Take a reporter out to lunch.
  22. Develop relationships with media.
  23. Write and send out press releases.
  24. Be an advocate for your customers.
  25. Write letters to the editor.
  26. Perfect your 30 second commercial.
  27. Give customers what they want.
  28. Focus on service.
  29. Walk your customers out of your place of business.
  30. Keep track of your customers likes/wants and notify them when you what they are looking for.
  31. Community bulletin boards.
  32. Handwritten notes.
  33. Your core story.
  34. A window display.
  35. A name tag at events.
  36. Audio-visual aids.
  37. Flip Chart.
  38. Coupons.
  39. Lead buying.
  40. Canned e-mail.
  41. Canvassing.
  42. Guarantees.
  43. A theme line.
  44. A Brand Name.
  45. Reputation Building.
  46. Co-Sponsored Business Events.
  47. Hire Cold Caller.
  48. Develop Phone Scripts.
  49. Focus on Service.
  50. Sponsor a local team.
  51. Ask people what could make the process easier.
  52. Watch your competitors.
  53. Talk to random people you bump into everyday.
  54. Start a campaign to change something.
  55. Answer your phone on the first ring.
  56. Have an after-hours answering service.
  57. Join forces with the common before and after service providers.
  58. Listen to your customers.
  59. Take a survey.
  60. Interview an expert in the community weekly.
  61. Balloons at the open house.
  62. Signup/give-away at the open house.

Online Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

real estate marketing ideas

The internet makes it very easy to market. Yet, there are so many online real estate marketing ideas that it’s hard to get a handle on everything you are supposed to do. Here is a list of many of your marketing options. Pick a few of them and get started today on improving your marketing.


  1. Have A Real Estate Website
    1. Real Estate agents need a website. Even if you don’t market your site, most clients will try to find you somewhere before meeting in person.
  2. Onpage SEO
    1. This will help you get found. Look for some SEO advice in other articles on our blog.
  3. Backlinks
    1. The only way you’ll get near the 1st page of Google is to have backlinks to your website.
  4. Keyword Ratios
    1. You’ll want to have about a 1% keyword ratio on all of your webpages.
  5. Custom Images
    1. Be sure to take photos of your surrounding community. This is a great way to make your website stand out.
  6. Customer Testimonials
    1. People buy based on testimonials. Load up your website with a lot of these.
  7. Customer Testimonial Videos
    1. Youtube channels are a great way to passively introduce yourself to your clients.
  8. Blog
    1. Your blog should always contain current information. This is a great way to attract more website visitors and potential clients.
  9. Own several websites for the nearby neighborhoods
    1. You can have multiple real estate websites and make each one specialize in a different neighborhood.
  10. Curate Localized Content
    1. Localized content is a sure way to stand out online.


  1. Email Signature:
    1. A simple email signature with your phone number, email address, and website address will help clients remember where to find out more about you.
  2. Email Newsletter:
    1. Email newsletter blasts will let your get your give-away information out there quickly!
  3. CRM Autoresponders:
    1. Setup your CRM to automatically email your clients and prospective clients a certain number of days after you talk with them. This is a great way never to forget who you’ve talked with.

Advertising Real Estate Marketing Ideas:

Advertising online is a way to get more leads now. You will need some landing pages for these visitors, but that is about it.  Your game plan should be to get their contact information and then put them into a drip sequence.  Real Estate Marketing Ideas around this type of campaign focus on the various types of platforms out there for you to advertise on.

  1. Google Adwords:
    1. Google ads are a quality but expensive way to drive traffic to your website.
  2. Facebook Ads:
    1. This is a cheaper alternative to Google Ads, but it takes a little more time to setup. Checkout our guide on Facebook ads.
  3. Bing And Yahoo Ads:
    1. Bing Ads provide a nice alternative to Google Ads. The platform is less competitive and thus cheaper than Google.  Usually this advertising platform can get you clicks as low as $.15.  This is a great way to get eyes on your houses you have for sale and promote your business.  You should try these ads at least once a month for your business.
  4. Paid Ad Slot on Local Website:
    1. Local website most likely sell slots on their page. You can purchase these slots for a very low monthly cost and get awesome traffic to your website.  I’ve found websites that list ads for under $5 a month.  These type of links also can help your SEO.  Real Estate Marketing Ideas that get you qualified website traffic and build your SEO presence are rare. Take advantage of this method today.
  5. Partner with companies in other states;
    1. By partnering with a moving company in another state, you can capture potential clients before they leave their own town.
  6. Affiliates:
    1. Affiliates will drive traffic in exchange for a ‘per lead’ fee. You can set the dollar amo

      from theokbrowne digest https://www.easyagentpro.com/cornerstone/200-real-estate-marketing-ideas/

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